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Matera: Paesaggi Probabili | Probable Landscapes

Join us for the Opening Reception of the photo exhibit Probable Landscapes (Paesaggi Probabili), by Nico Colucci. For the occasion, harpist Giuliana De Donno and composer and cellist Vito Paternoster will join us in celebrating Matera, European Capital of Culture 2019. Part of the celebration is the film retrospective Shot in Matera (details will be announced soon).

A unique place in the world, with its spectacular rocky landscape fusion of nature and culture, Matera has a thousand different landscapes, where man has learned since immemorial time to settle in the natural context, digging and building shelters, houses and then cities.

Nico Colucci is an architect and photographer whose photographic research focuses mainly on architecture and landscape. In 2003, he published the first edition of Matera Cityscape (publ. by Librìa). In 2005 he was selected for the first editionof the Biennale del Paesaggio Mediterraneo. In 2006, he obtained a mention for his European project PAYS.DOC, good practices for the landscape. Among his other publication, Matera, siti (publ. by Centrostampa), a photographic survey project on Matera and its architecture, followed by the volume Matera Cityscape / La città nascosta (publ. by Librìa). In 2018 he was awarded the XXV Compasso d’Oro ADI. His photographs have been published in architecture and photography magazines, as well as in prominent Italian newspapers.

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  • Organizzato da: Istituto Italiano di Cultura